When it comes to living out of home, money is important. Money is needed to pay a loan, the rent, electricity, internet, food, clothes, transport, medication and entertainment. Many people when first moving out of home share with others so they can afford the rent. Someone might earn money from a job or they receive money from a pension. Good planning and budgeting is necessary and there are service available to assist people with this.
Some people, who are eligible, might receive funding from the government which has rules about how it can be spent. This might be for support or they might tap into certain housing affordability schemes in their State. For example Rent Assistance, shared equity, NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and low interest loans.
Key Points
It is important to use a budget so you know how much money you receive and need to save and spend.
It is important to have money saved for the future and for unexpected emergencies.
Various schemes can help with the cost of living through local, state and federal government schemes (e.g. rent assistance, mobility allowance, energy efficiency assistance etc).
Employment or a microenterprise can be a great way to connect to your community, learn new skills and earn money.
Ask for help if you get into trouble with money. A financial counsellor can help you.
Useful Links
Deptartment of Communities (Disability Services) WA
by Western Australian Department of Communities
This information is specific to Western Australia (WA) and offers information about the government's rental options/assistance and buying your own home.
by Australian Government
Mondeysmart helps Australians take control of their money with free tools, tips and guidance.
Banking and budgeting
Shared equity initiatives
by State Governments and other providers
Shared Equity schemes are available where the home buyer shares the capital cost of purchasing a home with an equity partner, for example the government , allow lower income homebuyers to purchase a house with a lower deposit and lower ongoing costs. However, having reduced equity in the property means homebuyers also make a reduced capital gain when they sell. Google or search for Shared Equity Schemes in your State. For example:
Rent assistance
by Australian Government
The Australian Government offers rent assistance payments depending on your financial situation.
Accessible housing options
by Housing Hub
An online community of people with disability and housing providers working together to create accessible housing options.
NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with very high support needs. SDA dwellings have accessible features to help residents live more independently and allow other supports to be delivered.
Low interest loans
by Moneysmart (Australian Governement)
You can use a no interest loan to pay for household items, like a fridge, washing machine, computer or furniture, educational materials, like a tablet or textbooks, some medical and dental services, car repairs and tyres.